A noncommercial collection of information about citizenship, dual citizenship and multiple citizenship |
[Please refer to How to Read a Country Entryfor help interpreting this material. It was produced prior to March 2001 as part of a US government report entitled Citizenship Laws of the World
. The accuracy and depth of these country listings varies significantly, and some information may be incorrect. At best, this page presents only part of the story for a particular country. Additional information for this country may be available in Country Information]
Citizenship laws are based upon the Citizenship of Seychelles Act,
dated June 29, 1976, and the Constitution of Seychelles, dated 1970.
Questions concerning persons born before June 29, 1976, should be
directed to the Seychellois Mission. (UKC-Commonwealth Nation)
BY BIRTH: Birth within the territory of Seychelles does not automatically confer citizenship. The exception is a child born of unknown or stateless parents.
BY DESCENT: Child born in wedlock and in Seychelles, at least one of whose parents is a citizen of Seychelles. Child born out of wedlock in Seychelles, whose mother is a citizen of Seychelles and whose father is unknown or stateless.
REGISTRATION: Child born abroad, at least one of whose parents is a citizen of Seychelles, may acquire citizenship through registration.
MARRIAGE: Person who marries a citizen of Seychelles is eligible for citizenship through naturalization without meeting other requirements.
BY NATURALIZATION: Seychellois citizenship may be acquired upon fulfillment of the following conditions: Person has continuously resided in country for five years, is of good character, is knowledgeable of English or French, is intent on remaining in the country, and has renounced former citizenship.
The government of Seychelles only recognizes dual citizenship in
specific cases concerning native born citizens of Seychelles who
later obtain another citizenship for domestic or economic convenience
(such as to work abroad) or involuntarily through marriage to a
foreign citizen.
VOLUNTARY: Voluntary renunciation of Seychellois citizenship is permitted by law. Contact the mission for details and required paperwork.
INVOLUNTARY: The following are grounds for involuntary loss of Seychellois citizenship by registration or by naturalization: Person fails to renounce previous citizenship or obtains new citizenship. Person was absent from the country seven years without registering. Person obtained citizenship through false means.
ANY QUESTIONS concerning citizenship should be directed to the
address below:
Permanent Mission to the UN The Republic of the Seychelles 820 Second Ave., STE 900F New York, NY 10017
Mission Telephone: 212-687-9766/67 Fax: 212-922-9177
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