A noncommercial collection of information about citizenship, dual citizenship and multiple citizenship

[Please refer to How to Read a Country Entry for help interpreting this material. It was produced prior to March 2001 as part of a US government report entitled Citizenship Laws of the World. The accuracy and depth of these country listings varies significantly, and some information may be incorrect. At best, this page presents only part of the story for a particular country. Additional information for this country may be available in Country Information]


CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship is based upon the Citizenship Act, dated February 13, 1976, and the Constitution, dated September 16, 1975. (UKC-Commonwealth Nation)

BY BIRTH: Persons born before September 16, 1975: Person born in the country, whose maternal and paternal grandparents were also born in the country. Children of unknown or stateless parents.


Person born before September 16, 1975: Person born abroad, whose maternal and paternal grandparents were born in the country. Person must also have been registered and, if over 19, have renounced any other citizenships.

Person born on or after September 16, 1975: Child, at least one of whose parents is a citizen, regardless of the child's country of birth; however, child born abroad must be registered no later than one year after birth.

BY NATURALIZATION: Papua New Guinean citizenship may be acquired upon fulfillment of the following conditions: Person has resided for eight years in the country, has renounced previous citizenship, intends to remain in the country, is of good character, respects the local customs and culture, can speak the local language, and has a reliable source of income or support.

DUAL CITIZENSHIP: NOT RECOGNIZED. Exception: Child-citizen born abroad, who obtains the citizenship of the country of birth, may retain dual citizenship until the age of 18. Then the person has one year to renounce the foreign citizenship or Papua New Guinean citizenship will be revoked.


VOLUNTARY: Voluntary renunciation of Papua New Guinean citizenship is permitted by law. Contact the Embassy for details and paperwork. Person must be at least 19 years old and plan to obtain a new citizenship.

INVOLUNTARY: The following are grounds for involuntary loss of Papua New Guinean citizenship: (These rules do not apply when the action is under the compulsion of another country's laws.) Person voluntarily obtains foreign citizenship, other than through marriage. Person exercises the rights of a citizen of a foreign country. Person takes an oath of allegiance to another country. Person joins a foreign armed force without government permission. Person travels under the passport of another country. Naturalized citizenship was obtained through fraud.

ANY QUESTIONS concerning citizenship should be directed to the address below:

Embassy of Papua New Guinea Phone: 202-745-3680 Consular Section Fax: 202-745-3679 1779 Massachusetts Ave., NW #805 Washington, DC 20036 www.pngembassy.org


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