A noncommercial collection of information about citizenship, dual citizenship and multiple citizenship

[Please refer to How to Read a Country Entry for help interpreting this material. It was produced prior to March 2001 as part of a US government report entitled Citizenship Laws of the World. The accuracy and depth of these country listings varies significantly, and some information may be incorrect. At best, this page presents only part of the story for a particular country. Additional information for this country may be available in Country Information]


CITIZENSHIP: Malagasy citizenship is based upon Ordinance No.60-064, dated July 22, 1960. Malagasy nationality law is based on descent from the father (jus sanguinis).

BY BIRTH: Birth within the Republic of Madagascar does not automatically confer citizenship. Citizenship is only granted automatically in cases of abandoned children.

BY DESCENT: Child, born in wedlock, whose father is a citizen of Madagascar. Child, born out of wedlock to Malagasy mother, when the child's father is stateless or unknown

MARRIAGE: Foreign woman, who marries a citizen of Madagascar, can obtain citizenship by declaration. After marriage, wife must make a declaration to an officer of the State of her desire to obtain Malagasy citizenship. Citizenship is granted upon this declaration on a two-year probationary basis.

BY NATURALIZATION: Malagasy citizenship can be obtained upon fulfillment of the following conditions: Person must be at least 18 years of age, be of good character, be in good mental and physical health, and not have been convicted of a crime within the last year.

DUAL CITIZENSHIP: NOT RECOGNIZED. Exception: Child born abroad, who obtains a foreign citizenship, may keep their dual citizenship until the age of majority (21). At that time the child must choose which citizenship they wish to keep.

A Malagasy citizen, who upon marriage to a foreign spouse obtains a foreign citizenship, is not required to renounce their Malagasy citizenship unless it is a requirement (of their other citizenship).


VOLUNTARY: Requests for voluntary renunciation of citizenship may be directed to the nearest Malagasy Embassy.

INVOLUNTARY: The following are grounds for involuntary loss of Malagasy citizenship: Person voluntarily obtains foreign citizenship. Person marries a foreign national and resides permanently abroad. Person convicted of crime against the security of the State.

ANY QUESTIONS concerning citizenship should be directed to the address below:

Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar Consular Department 2374 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20008

Embassy/Consular Telephone: 202-265-5525 Fax: 202-483-7603

[email protected]



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